Yet again due to personal circumstances I am not able to bring you a personal account of the venue for this week’s Junior event, but I have heard of some good reports from Harbourbridge Lakes.
After a wobbly start to 2023, Harbourbridge has recovered well and is as productive now as I have ever known it. According to reports anyway. Catches of over 100lbs (Mostly Carp) in 5½ hours on the match lake have been noted in the last couple of weeks.
Numbers of large silverfish have been caught shallow and on the bottom. I am guessing that maggots will score well for those, but if you can catch them using hard pellets either 4 or 6mm, then you will not be so bothered by the nuisance Rudd and Roach blades. Whips, poles, or waggler will catch you silverfish from close in to midway across. The weather is going to be less than pleasant. With high winds and rain expected. I am going to guess that most of the fish on Saturday will be caught using a method feeder. I’m going to advise using pellets on the feeder rather than ground bait to keep the numbers of nuisance fish away. It might even be worth trying some 4mm pellets on the feeder, soaked in the same way as you would with micros.
I am going to guess that ground bait will attract a lot of silverfish which is ok if the Carp are not feeding well, and if the silvers you are catching are of a good size. I would use pellets before ground bait to try to catch the bigger Carp first. Some of the swims at Harbourbridge have steep underwater slopes on the far bank. Normal 30g feeders will tend to slip down the slope as soon as you try to tighten up to them, particularly if it is windy. A heavier 45g feeder will hold the bottom better in such conditions… There are also two shelves on the bottom if the water is high enough, so look out for those. The Weather… It is forecast to be rough. Strong gusty winds and rain are on the cards. So, bring appropriate clothing and equipment. IF there is a threat from thunderstorms, I may have to consider postponing the Pairs match to another day. I will only do this as a last resort on the grounds of health and safety, which I take very seriously. I wanted to warn you just in case and I will let you know as soon as a decision is made. If you do not hear from me by 9:30am then we should be good to go.
Any questions, feel free to ask… Juniors Sec…